
I came to photography education later in life, first as a student on the Professional Photography programme at the Grisart International School of Photography in Barcelona (2017 – 2019), and then on the Specialisation and Postgraduate programmes at the Catalan Institute for Photographic Studies (IEFC) in the same city (2019 – 2021). Since September 2021, I have been enrolled as a student on the two-year Online Masters in Photography at Falmouth University in south west England. The learning curve has been more like a precipitous line, and the learning journey rich, colourful and momentous.

In every class, I have been the oldest student. Indeed, at the IEFC I was the oldest student they had ever had! Prior to commencing photography studies, I had been attending regular Spanish classes at the Camino Schoolwhere I had gone from zero (below A1) to competence (B2+) in one and a half years. So, in seven years I have reinvented myself and begun to develop my dormant artistic creativity.  There have been many high peaks and a few dips, but fortunately no troughs. It has required of me a great deal of application and hard work, but it has all been enjoyable and abundantly rewarding. I have learned about Camera Technique, Technology and Colour Management, the History of Photography, Postproduction, Adobe Photoshop, Premiere Pro and InDesign, Studio Work, Portraiture, Photojournalism, Documentary Photography, Video projects, Travel Photography and a lot more even than all of these. Before 2017, I had no idea that Photography was such a vast field. And at Falmouth, I am now coming to grips with more in-depth critical perspectives on photography, multi-disciplinary approaches to making photographs, and collaborating with others around the world – and that’s after just one module (term)!

Nonetheless, even with all this training under my belt, I am still an apprentice with a great deal yet to learn, particularly in terms of techniques and how and when to apply them. The Galleries presented here are all of projects I have completed during my studies over the last four years, apart from ‘Près de Chez Nous 2020’, which contains a collection of photographs I made during the various Covid lockdowns that year.  In some of these galleries, not all photographs from the projects can be shown, as people portrayed in them have asserted their rights to not have their image displayed on a public website.