Award ceremony at the IEFC, Barcelona

The postgraduate diploma is awarded after two years part-time study at the Institut d'Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya.

After completing the undergraduate programme at the Grisart International School of Photography in Barcelona, I proceeded on to the postgraduate programme at the Catalan Institute for Photographic Studies. In the first year I took one long course in Documentary Photography, a short course looking at the possibility of creating a photography portrait of a city and a short course in experimental film and video. The second year consisted entirely of the postgraduate project in which I focused on an environmental training programme in France. In October 2021, I passed the viva voce exam and on 28th May 2022, I was invited to the awards ceremony at the IEFC where I was presented with the postgraduate diploma by Joana Matallana and Joan Ribó i Foguet.